Community Forex Questions
What is an initial investment?
The initial investment is made in the real sector of the economy, in projects that have little to do with the real sector, for example, the creation of a new cryptocurrency. The initial investment can be made in financial assets. There will be a difference in cost along with each investment in the scheme. However, the goal is the same - to make a profit.
Depending on the project and the available capital, the estimated initial investment will vary. With very little investment, you can start your own home-based business tomorrow.
The term "initial investment" refers to the initial money that is invested into a business. This can be an amount of money that is provided by a group of investors or the individual who starts the company. The initial investment typically goes towards establishing and setting up the business and acquiring assets that will allow for financial independence.
It refers to the first investment made in order to start off. At times it is by one investor, and other times it is the sum of several investors who are starting out the venture/company. Thanks to this initial investment the business starts off and this involves its establishment and set up which require the purchase of certain assets. Thus the initial investment tends to be quite high in most cases.

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