Community Forex Questions
What do stock market indicators mean?
Stock market indicators are a tool used to analyze, assess, and predict the stock market. Indicators measure various aspects of the economy both domestically and internationally.
Common indicators are quantitative analysis instruments used by analysts to identify stocks or the current market status and future trends. Based on past patterns, they are mathematical formulas and ratios that forecast how the market will move in the future. Both market indicators and technical indicators are based on applying a statistical formula to a set of data points to draw conclusions about market movements. Despite being a subcategory of technical indicators, stock market indicators are more concerned with interpreting multiple stocks rather than a single stock. Rather than focusing on a single stock's performance, analysts can draw conclusions based on market conditions as a whole.
A stock market indicator is a statistic that is used to forecast the direction of the stock market. These indicators are often put together for traders who need information on the direction of the market in order to plan their trades.

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