Community Forex Questions
What are the benefits and drawbacks of holding an AGM virtually or in-person?
Holding an Annual General Meeting (AGM) can be done either in-person or virtually. Each method has its own benefits and drawbacks.

Virtual AGMs provide more flexibility and convenience for attendees. Shareholders can participate from anywhere in the world without incurring travel costs. Additionally, virtual AGMs can be more environmentally friendly, as there is no need to print large quantities of documents or travel to a physical location.

On the other hand, in-person AGMs allow for more personal interaction between attendees. Shareholders can network and engage with the board of directors and management in person. Additionally, in-person AGMs allow for more control over the meeting environment, including managing disruptions and ensuring that everyone has access to information.

One potential drawback of virtual AGMs is that they may limit the ability of shareholders to ask questions and voice their concerns. Furthermore, technical issues may arise, and some attendees may not have access to the necessary technology to participate.

In conclusion, both in-person and virtual AGMs have their benefits and drawbacks. Companies should carefully consider the needs of their shareholders and the nature of the meeting when deciding which format to use.

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