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Platformy Forex
Założona: 2016
Ocena: 4.2
Suma głosów: 13
RejestracjaLipiec 02, 2021 Wiadomości 1987
28 czerwca 2022 o 15:06RejestracjaLipiec 01, 2022 Wiadomości 3
01 lipca 2022 o 04:53RejestracjaLipiec 07, 2022 Wiadomości 3
07 lipca 2022 o 13:08Allpips was founded in 2016 and registered in UAE, Dubai. The company was created by a group of professional software engineers willing to bring the best trading platform for everyone who needs sophisticated software.
Allpips platform has excellent functionality, which will satisfy the needs of almost any participant in the financial markets. It has an understandable and intuitive interface, which creates a comfortable environment for trading.
Allpips has a convenient system of working with charts, which allows you to customize the representation of the price series (candlesticks, lines, bars, etc.), scale the axis, insert built-in indicators, and more on the price chart. Given that the terminal is a web one, there is no need to download any files to the computer.
The platform provides high-speed execution of orders, which is a key advantage when working in volatile markets. The platform allows you to adjust Stop-Loss, market, pending, and trailing orders to maximize profits. One-click trading also will be beneficial for everyone looking for convenience and effectiveness.
In the trade history tab, one can see all of the previous actions and positions that have been opened. This information is meant to optimize trading strategies for future trades.
Allpips, with its simple design and excellent user interface, is perfect for beginner traders. A demo account contains the full range of functions, so you can trade without risking your real money. With the Allpips platform, you can learn the basics of forex trading. Moreover, apart from the incredible simplicity, traders can benefit from social trading by copying trades of other investors.
Allpips contains all the functions needed for successful trading without overwhelming users with too much information and tools nobody uses. Try it out right now and see how you can boost your trading experience!
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Allpips Team
RejestracjaLipiec 11, 2022 Wiadomości 1
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05 sierpnia 2024 o 08:05