Community Forex Questions
Crypto copy trading
The Crypto Copy trading technique is a commonly used trading method and is ideal for beginners who do not have much experience.
This is a very interesting question. I think that there are more possibilities to copy positions from forex than from crypto, but probably in some time there will be more such services.
Crypto copy trading is a system where traders can automatically sync to the trades of another trader without having to have their own account. Traders can connect to the platform by entering the user ID of the trader they want to follow, and then their own crypto-wallet address will be generated. When a trade is made, a smart contract records it on both traders’ accounts.
Crypto copy trading is the process of automatically copying trades in cryptocurrency that a user deems successful and profitable. It is essentially an automated version of day trading, in which one individual’s investment decisions are replicated by others with the hope of making additional profits. Some argue that this practice will lead to increased price volatility because more traders are participating in the market, increasing supply without a corresponding increase in demand.

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